When it comes to determining if an address will qualify for discounts, is deliverable, is no longer where a person resides, represents a potential fraud risk, meets your business needs and industry regulations - it all starts with CASS. Version O of the CASS requirements included many changes. Most of the changes and additional data were driven by requests from the Mailing industry to enable both better mailing and business practices regarding the address. In summary, CASS Cycle O changes can allow mailers to reduce their undeliverable mail by 10+%, reduce fraud risks and impact, better maintain client relationships, and ensure compliance with industry specific regulations. In this session we will discuss the changes and additional data associated with CASS Cycle O and what it can mean to your business operations.
Adam has been focused on Addresses for 25 years. Starting as a developer of the address quality software, Adam's focus was not just on meeting USPS regulations, but on understanding the address related issues and needs of businesses to design solutions. Currently, Adam is the Director of Address Intelligence for GrayHair Software and serves as the industry elected Focus Area Leader on Date, Technology, and Addressing at MTAC (Mailers Technical Advisory Committee).