Interested in becoming a board member?
We are always looking for board members to help organize, educate and help promote the mailing community.
Contact us for more details.
Twin Cities PCC Executive Board
PO Box 4688
St. Paul MN 55101-4688
Our Mission
Establish a means of regular communication between customers and local postal managers.
Inform postal customers of the latest changes in postal products and services and rates and fees.
Assist customers in improving their internal mail operations.
Create a better understanding of the Postal Service through business meetings, mailer clinics, mailing seminars, and tours of postal facilities.
Provide information necessary for customers to make the most effective and efficient use of postal products and services.
Provide an organized way for postal speakers to introduce postal products, services and programs to the public.
Educate mailers on the proper use and implementation of automation and mailing list hygiene programs.
Industry Board Members
Suzi Oswald - SeaChange - Industry Co-Chair
Tim Schwarzrock - OnTrac International - - Industry Vice Chair
Melissa Manning - Impact - Treasurer/Facilities
Pam Corbeille-Lepel - Lorton Data Inc. -Membership
Nancy Garrison - IWCO - - Surveys
Diana Kern - King Solutions - Photographer
Kari Miller - Venture Solutions, Inc. - - Website
USPS Board Members
Shawneen Betha- US Postal Service- Postal Co-Chair
Mark Janda - US Postal Service - - Membership/Education
Chad Way - US Postal Service
Eric Ziegler - US Postal Service
Shauna Rettg - US Postal Service -
Cheryl Pendleton - US Postal Service - Recording Secretary
Angela Bye -US Postal Service - District Manager